Admin-site: Bejarano Family Site

Admin and Select-Audience Info

The following content is not for public use, but is useful to the family. Please see site-admin if you'd like to add something to this site.

Bank Acct Accounting

Shared bank acct with Ted & BJ. 99% of expenditures expected to be from BJ. All funds to be repaid to "donors" as part of escrow-settlement … i.e. these expenses are paid out before remaining balances are calculated and distributed to heirs.

Account Balance:

bank acct transactions

Paperwork File Structure

Link to alternate page ... File-Structure Link

Picture Gallery

Trial-version of self-hosted image gallery. Theme "Multiverse" seems to be best, but still looking for something better. Want images to auto-size correctly regardless of aspect-ratio (portrait/landscape) … presently it's treating everything as landscape.

Viewing open to all at Picture Gallery

Album administration/creation at Gallery Admin, user "admin", password [my standard one]


Something belongs here, just not sure what yet


Something belongs here, just not sure what yet


Something belongs here, just not sure what yet

Access Codes

  1. BofaA: joint working-acct for BJ & Ted
  2. Files: file-structure plan for Popi's paperwork
  3. Gallery: instructions on how to use photo-gallery element
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. Codes: this section, lists all the access codes